Emigration – Seven Elephants Inv.
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Is emigration a simple matter - pack your things and leave for a new life?

Unfortunately, no one can choose the place where they would like to be born. However, fortunately, a modern person has the opportunity to choose the place where he can live. First of all, it is necessary to understand whether you really accidentally and thoughtlessly live in the country where you live now. Do you really understand that you no longer want to stay in this country?

Take a piece of paper and write down what you don’t like about it. Crime rate? Corruption? General mood of anger and unrest in society? Rudeness and boorishness of the environment? Lack of confidence in the future? Harsh climate and boring landscape? No sea? Mountains? Half a year of winter? Low level of education and difficulty in its practical application? Contradictions between society and the state? Something else?

Try writing down the characteristics of the country you would like to live in on another piece of paper. Imagine everything in as much detail as possible. Consider such nuances as the crime rate, loyalty to immigrants, ease of obtaining a residence permit, cost of housing, the presence of a Russian diaspora and connections with it. Do you know such a country?

For the past five years, Northern Cyprus has been the undisputed leader in attractiveness for permanent relocation among residents of countries such as Great Britain and Russia (oddly enough).

And if the British clearly understand that only among “their own” can they feel extremely comfortable and protected. In addition to mistakes in choosing a developer, and as a result, low quality for a high price, most often the unlucky emigrant will face problematic neighbors and the accompanying problems associated with further daily life and the organization of everyday life in emigration.

All this can be solved elegantly and simply – by settling among permanent residents (not tourists or investors renting out their apartments) who speak the same language and have a similar mentality, but with the desire to organize life on the principles of mutual respect and mutual assistance.

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